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Jaroslav Rössler Drawings and Paintings

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Jaroslav Rössler Drawings and Paintings
Author: text Petr Štěpán
Category:Books, Art
Language: English and Czech
Translation: Stephan van Pohl
Page count: 88
Binding: Pbk
ISBN: 978-80-7437-067-0
EAN: 9788074370670
Date: 2012
Issue number: 1
Price: 18 EUR
Size: 23 x 18 cm
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World-renowned photographer Jaroslav Rössler contributed immensely to the development of modern photography in in the 1920s snd '30s. His later work in the medium of photograpphy still needs to be properly appreciated, but Rössler was not “merely” a photographer. Like Man Ray, László Moholy-Nagy, El Lyssitzki and other artists whose universality enabled them to add a new dimension to photograhy and give it new expressive qualities, he was unquesrionably an artist in the broader sense of the word. Rössler's drawings and paintings are an important part of his art and an important element of his artistic personality, which they can help us to understand. What is more, they are not subordinated to his photographic ambitions and did not serve as mere sketches for his photograhic compositions. They are a distinct artistic statement.

Meanwhile, Rössler's paintings and drawings have remained almost completely unknown, although they were immensely important to him. In fact, in the 1920s they were as much a part of his artistic expression as photography. The aim of this publication is to present Rössler as a painter, to show his development as such, and to highlight several commonalities with his photographic work.