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Erwin Staeheli Passage

Erwin Staeheli Passage
Author: Erwin Staeheli
Category:Books, Photography, Art
Language: English, German and Czech
Translation: Jiří Fojtek, Anna Bali, Eberhard Pfleiderer
Page count: 112
Binding: Hbk
ISBN: 978-80-7437-058-8
Date: 2011
Issue number: 1
Price: 29 EUR
Size: 27 x 23 cm
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Born in 1955 in Basel, Erwin Staeheli works as an artist and photographer in Switzerland and Australia. He has exhibited series of his photographs in the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Germany, France, Japan and the USA. Books have been published in Switzerland and the Czech Republic. This book “Passage” presents 62 photographs of empty passages. 
Erwin Staeheli comments on the images: “You find nothing comforting in the dark world of functionality. Its beauty makes me feel nauseous. Its emptiness is not silence. The draught is creating an eddy of noise from footsteps and curses. I try to escape, to leave these dark passages, these artificial worlds of mocking promises, to follow a light, any light.”