Author: | ed. Anežka Šimková and Terezie Zemánková |
Category: | Books, Art |
Language: | English |
Page count: | 304 |
Binding: | Hbk |
ISBN: | 978-80-7437-231-5 |
EAN: | 9788074372315 |
Date: | 2017 |
Issue number: | 1. |
Price: | 78 EUR |
Size: | 24 x 28 cm |
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Anna Zemánková (1908–1986) is one of those distinctive artists whose work is not easily defined. For many reasons, her art tends to be categorized as art brut, of which she is one of the most mysterious and magical representatives. Her work, which is highly appreciated internationally as well, feels like a herbarium of fantastical extraterrestrial plants or a unique, imaginary world created using always newly discovered and often surprising techniques. This extraordinary book presents a representative selection of Zemánková’s drawings, collages, objects and assemblages, accompanied by texts written by experts and researchers who admire her art and who, each in their own way, try to understand the inherent mystery of her art. Join them on a journey without limits, on your own initiatory experience.
Anna Zemánková (1908–1986) fait partie de ces créateurs singuliers, dont l’oeuvre ne peut etre réduite a une approche univoque. De nombreux criteres font que sa création est souvent classée dans la catégorie de l’art brut, dont elle apparaît comme l’une des figures les plus mystérieuses et les plus magiques. Ses travaux, tres appréciés y compris dans le contexte international, ressemblent a l’herbier d’une flore fantastique et extraterrestre ou a un monde imaginaire et autonome créé a l’aide de techniques toujours nouvelles et souvent surprenantes. La présente publication offre un choix représentatif de ses dessins, collages, objets et assemblages, accompagnés par des textes de spécialistes et de chercheurs qui admirent son art et qui, chacun a sa façon, cherchent la maniere de comprendre le mystere intime de sa création. A leur suite, ouvrez une porte imaginaire donnant sur un chemin sans limites, en une sorte d’expérience initiatique.
EAN 9788074372322 ISBN 978-80-7437-232-2
Czech Photography of the 20th Century, published simultaneously in Czech and English versions, is the first book to present the main trends, figures, and works of Czech photography from the beginning to the end of the last century to such a large extent. Its 517 plates include not only the most important, well-known photographs and photomontages, but also works that have long been forgotten or are published for the first time. The book is arranged in seventeen chapters, supplemented with chronologies of the most important events in twentieth-century Czech photography and history.